Webb Takes Down Spirit Tour

Webb Takes Down Spirit Tour
Ladies Spirit Tour / Jacksonville, FL

by Rick Davis
The Ladies Spirit Tour drew in a stacked field as usual at their sixth tour stop, held over the August 18-19 weekend at Bankshot Billiards in Jacksonville, FL. The 41-player field included past winners and WPBA pros all looking for the title, and in the end it was Monica Webb who went undefeated to claim her second straight tour win.
On the winners’ side Webb had made her mark throughout the event. Starting as one of a few without a first-round bye, Webb defeated five opponents to reach the hot seat match including a 7-3 win over Helena Thornfeldt and a 7-2 scorcher over Tiffany Nelson. On the lower half of the chart Debbie Schjodt, winner of the tour’s second stop, was in control. Schjodt enjoyed a first-round bye and then drilled four opponents, including a 7-1 thrashing of Jessica Barnes, to face Webb in the hot seat match. That match was over before it began it seemed, as Webb jolted the match to a 7-1 conclusion, leaving Schjodt shell-shocked.
On the one-loss side Thornfeldt worked up a comeback, eliminating Stephanie Mitchell 7-1 and Barnes 7-4 to reach the quarterfinals. Nearby, Nelson ousted Seaver 7-4 then sent Thornfeldt home 7-3 from the quarterfinal match. Catching a gear, Nelson kept alive by knocking out Schjodt in the semifinals to earn a chance against Webb. The finals were close, but Webb was playing strong and in great position from the hot seat to defeat Nelson, which she did 7-5 to claim another Spirit Tour title.
1st Monica Webb
2nd Tiffany Nelson
3rd Debbie Schjodt
4th Helena Thornfeldt
5th Jessica Barnes
Jeannie Seaver


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