Viking Pool Cues Billiards Photo Caption Contest Winner for July/AugustViking Pool Cues Photo Billiard Caption Contest (/content/view/41) for the month of May/June. The winning caption was, It suddenly became Obvious to the producers that the idea of combining the game of poker with that of pool, sounded a lot better on paper. Thomas has won a Viking Pool Cue ( that has a retail value of $300-400 and a one year subscription to Inside POOL Magazine. Inside POOL Magazine and host the Viking Cues Photo Caption Contest (/content/view/41) every month. The winners are announced on and in InsidePOOL Magazine. This month features a curious photo of Ralf Souquet of Germany shooting the pool ball out of the mouth of his latest victim. Visitors can submit entries via email by going to the Photo Caption contest page. You can enter every day, one time per day.Submit your entry to the Viking Photo Caption Contest. (/content/view/41)Visit InsidePOOL Magazine for the Viking Pool Cues Photo Caption Contest. (/content/view/41)