Viking Cues Photo Caption Winner for July/August

Viking Cues Photo Caption Winner for July/August

Joe Smolar submitted the winning caption in the Viking Cues Photo Caption Contest for July/August.

Joe Smolar submitted the winning caption in the Viking Cues Photo Caption Contest for July/August.

Congratulations to Joe Smolar of FL for submitting the winning entry in the Viking Pool Cues Photo Caption Contest for the month of July/August.

Joe has won a Viking Pool Cue that has a retail value of $300-400 and a one year subscription to Inside POOL Magazine.

The winning caption was, “Showing extreme concentration, Rodney Morris continues playing despite the presence of the annoying mime imitating his every move.”

Inside POOL Magazine and host the Viking Cues Photo Caption Contest every issue. 

The winners are announced on at the beginning of the month and in the photo caption section of Inside POOL Magazine.

This month features a photo of a tournament official inspecting the pool tables at a recent professional event. Visitors can submit entries via email by going to the Photo Caption Contest Entry Page

You can enter every day, one time per day.