Viking Cues 9-Ball Tour Announces Free Entries

Viking Cues 9-Ball Tour Announces Free Entries

The Viking Cue 9-Ball Tour, the largest of the regional tours in our country, with over $90,000 in added prize money each year, is pleased to announce that, starting November 1, 2007, we have made the following changes to the acceptance of women and junior players in our amateur events. To encourage participation in our sport by non-professional women and junior players (juniors=age 17 and under), the Viking Cue 9-Ball Tour will now be offering them FREE entry to all of our amateur tour events. In addition, both groups will still receive FREE entry and tour cards to the open events. (This offer excludes larger and championship events.) Players that take advantage of this offer will receive prizes instead of money when they place in the events.
As of November 1, 2007, women and junior players will no longer be required to purchase a tour card. Tour cards will be optional for those players but will still be required if they wish to compete in our larger events or if they wish to compete in our championship events or earn cash prizes.

This means that there will be absolutely no fees for women or junior players while competing in the open or amateur Viking Cue 9-Ball Tour events.
From: The Viking Cue 9-Ball Tour (Atlanta, GA)
Contact: Mike Janis
Phone: 1-800-200-POOL (7665)
E-mail: (

Effective November 1, 2007

Re: Tournament Entry Fees
Re: Tour Card Discounts for League Players
Re: Free Entry Fees for Women and Junior Players
Re: Free Tour Cards for Seniors and Military Personnel


Re: Open Tournament Entry Fees
Entry fees for open events will now be modified to the following and will reflect a $10 increase, of which 100% will go directly into the individual event’s players’ prize fund. The new structure is below:
Entry fee is a total of $52 + Viking Cue Open 9-Ball Tour card
Entry fee breakdown = $40 to tourney prize fund, $12 table time / registration fee

Re: Amateur Tournament Entry Fees
Entry fees for amateur events will remain the same as in the structure below:
Entry fee is a total of $42 + Viking Cue Amateur 9-Ball Tour card
Entry fee breakdown = $30 to tourney prize fund, $12 table time / registration fee

Re: Open Tour Card Fee Discounts For League Players
Currently the full Viking Cue Open Tour card fee is $30 each, whether you play in one event or all events for a season. However, we offer a one-time tour card fee of only $20. Effective November 1, 2007, all league players who present a valid ID card as issued to them from their respective league will receive a $10 discount off of either the full tour card fee or a $5 discount off of the one-time tour card fee.

Re: Amateur Tour Card Fee Discounts For League Players
Currently the full Viking Cue Amateur Tour card fee is $30 each, whether you play in one event or all events for a season. However, we offer a one-time tour card fee of only $20. Effective November 1, 2007, all league players who present a valid ID card as issued to them from their respective league will receive a $10 discount off of the full tour card fee or a $5 discount off of the one-time tour card fee.

Billiards Tour Gives Free Tour Cards to Senior Players
As of November 1, 2007, senior players aged 65 and older will no longer be required to purchase a tour card for either the open or amateur division. Tour cards will be optional for those players but will still be required if they wish to compete in our larger events or if they wish to compete in our championship events.
This means that there will be absolutely no tour card fees for senior players aged 65 and older while competing in our open or amateur Viking Cue 9-Ball Tour events. Senior players aged 65 and older need only to show their IDs to receive the free tour cards when signing up to compete in Viking Tour events.

Billiards Tour Gives Free Tour Cards
for All Active Duty or Retired U.S. Military Personnel

As of November 1, 2007, all active duty or retired U.S. military personnel will no longer be required to purchase a tour card. Tour cards will be optional for those players but will still be required if they wish to compete in our larger events or if they wish to compete in our championship events.
This means that there will be absolutely no tour card fees for active duty or retired U.S. military personnel while competing in our open or amateur Viking Cue 9-Ball Tour events. Active duty or retired U.S. military personnel need only to show their military IDs to receive the free tour cards when signing up to compete in Viking Tour events.

The Viking Cue 9-Ball Tour Schedule Can Be Found At: (


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