Rock-Ola Goes Green

Rock-Ola Goes Green

Torrance, CA — The Rock-Ola wraps up the “green conversion” of its Torrance factory just in time for Earth Day on April 22. The facility’s prominent new green awnings are a sign of the environmentally conscious changes taking place inside the renowned 70,000 square foot factory.

Throughout the Rock-Ola headquarters and factory building, all standard fluorescent light fixtures—almost 1,700 plus emergency exit signs—have been replaced with high-efficiency fluorescent tubes and computer-controlled electronic ballasts. Service for the conversion was provided by California Edison, who also picked up three-quarters of the cost of replacement. In exchange, California Edison can draw down 10% of Rock-Ola’ s power during peak summer usage hours, helping to offset power needs in other parts of the state. “It’s a win-win for Rock-Ola and the environment,” beamed CEO Glenn Streeter.

The conversion is estimated to pay for itself in energy cost savings within 11 months and lighting expenses are estimated to be 40% of the cost prior to the new lighting hardware. In addition to the cost savings, the new system provides significantly more light than the older conventional fixtures.
Rock-Ola Product updates
Since the European Union adopted the Restriction of Hazardous Substance (RoHS) Directive, Rock-Ola has been using RoHS compliant parts in all export jukeboxes. Effective July 1, 2006, the directive requires that all products for sale in the EU comply with RoHS. Though the United States has not yet adopted a comprehensive policy on the matters of electronic waste, Rock-Ola has taken the initiative to replace its domestic product parts containing lead with RoHS compliant parts, using California’s SB80, Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 as a guideline.

Under its new green-colored awnings, Rock-Ola will continue to make “environmentally friendly” choices for products and procedures just as the famous jukeboxes create a “friendly environment” in restaurants, bars, and at home.

For more information on eCycling, visit the U.S. Government Environmental Protection Agency website: ( .