Places To Play, Places to Buy Program

Places To Play, Places to Buy Program

Inside POOL Magazine and are pleased to announce the Places to Play and Places to Buy Program. The program features poolrooms, upscale billiard parlors, and billiards supply stores located across the United States and Canada. This program is open to all billiard establishments.
Pool rooms, upscale billiard parlors, and billiard supply stores are eligible to participate in the Places to Play and Places to Buy program offered by Inside POOL Magazine and
The benefits of the Places to Play and Places to Buy program can be enjoyed by both businesses and customers. Business owners can showcase their businesses to thousands of target customers, and customers can use the directory as a quick guide to services and products that they are looking to purchase.
The business owner receives the following benefits:
1. Print Placement – The business will be featured in Inside POOL Magazine. The editorial will consist of 300-400 words describing the establishment and the products and services offered. The listing will be accompanied by at least one image of the establishment. This listing will be in one issue of the magazine.
2. Online Placement – The business will be featured on The editorial will consist of 300-1000 words describing the establishment and the products and services offered. The listing will be accompanied by at least one image of the establishment. If more than 10 photos are supplied, the establishment can receive their own image gallery to be featured at This listing will be permanent.
3. Video Placement – If the establishment supplies a video tour of their establishment or the products and services that they offer, the video will be included in the video gallery at
4. Bulk Subscription – The establishment will receive a bulk subscription to for the period of one year.
5. Award Eligibility – The establishment will become eligible for the yearly awards designating the top places to play and places to buy. This article is scheduled to appear in the January issue of Inside POOL Magazine on a yearly basis.
6. Dealer Locator – As an added bonus, the establishment will also receive a listing in a new online dealer locator. This feature is currently under construction but will list all of the pertinent information of the establishment. The dealer locator will also give driving directions via Google Maps. Visit the Featured Pool room and Billiard Supplies Directory (/mtree/sports/featured-pool-rooms-and-billiard-supplies.html).
Room owners and billiards supply owners can register for the program by contacting Inside POOL Magazine at 1-888-428-7665, ext. 223 or 224. If you currently have bulk subscription to Inside POOL Magazine, upgrades are available.