More surprises at the Ponce Open

More surprises at the Ponce OpenDay two of the Open is over and we are at the start of a new day; however, we cannot continue without providing our readers with some of yesterday’s surprises that cannot go unnoticed.Mike Davis who earned his entry fees and travel expenses was eliminated in his third round at the table. On Friday he was bested by Eric Gonzalez, a strong player and past national champion in Puerto Rico. Yesterday, Mike was to meet with Nicolas Burgos on his second match, but Burgos did not show up and Mike won the match by forfeit. He was to then meet with Edgardo Irizarry, another player who has made a name for himself these past few months in the Puerto Rico tour. Match time came, and Mike practically sat as a spectator while Edgardo took the lead 3-0 before Mike put the score at 4-1. The score got to 7-2 in favor of Edgardo before Mike won his 3rd game of the match. After that, Edgardo won the next 2 games to knock-out Mike Davis from the Ponce Open with score of 9-3.


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