March Madness Tournament Creates Crazy Competition

March Madness Tournament Creates Crazy Competition

Merit Entertainment’s March Madness 11-Up TournaMaxx Tournament proved once again that the TournaMaxx program is a success for operators.
The competition for the top spot was tight this month with the winning averages being less than 200 points apart. Donna Hill of West Hazelton, PA pulled out the win with a March average of 170,850 points. Donna plays at Amore Pizza in West Hazelton on a touchscreen from Aaaamusements Rrr Usss. Tim Chan of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada came in a close second with an average of 170,690 points. Tim plays on a Walmac Amusements machine at H2O in his hometown. Jan Benson of Marseilles, IL rounds out the top 3 with an average of 170,470 points. Jan plays at P.J.’s Tap, which is operated by Metro Amusement.
“We do as much as we can to get our players involved in the TournaMaxx program,” said Elmar Klapstein of Walmac Amusements. “The players love the tournaments and the extra benefits we provide to them. It keeps them coming back and playing time after time.”
Sandy Buelow of Dakota, MN took this month’s Single Game High Score title. Sandy scored a whopping 177,150 points during a game at Pete’s Inn located Dresbach, MN. Williamson Music operates the Megatouch machines found at Pete’s Inn.
“Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s March Madness Tournament,” said Bob Mills, Merit’s Vice President of North American Sales. “With the proven power of games like 11-Up plus the continued support of our operators, TournaMaxx remains one of Merit’s most successful features.”

For 30 years, Merit has ensured long-term return on investment for operators by providing continually high-earning equipment along with updates and upgrades for its products. With an installed base of over 250,000 touchscreen games garnering nearly 4.6 billion plays per year, Merit Entertainment is the worldwide leader in touchscreen entertainment devices. Merit Entertainment products appear globally in a wide array of venues and appeal to an almost limitless demographic. Merit continues to expand its position in the industry with ever-increasing entertainment, content, and new games. The company maintains a Web site with all the latest information at (


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