Mansion Gets Twisted – Upscale Billiards with a Twist

Mansion Gets Twisted Opening March 1st, 2007
By Tim Taylor

So you want to whip up a new twisted mixture of fun and entertainment. First you’ll need some ingredients. Might I suggest the following: Take a dash of fine dining, add a touch of live entertainment and fun, sprinkle your mixture with a banquet facility, knead the entire mix together with a world class billiards club, and top it all off with a swirl of mansion with water way views. What you come up with is the newest thing to hit something old in the greater Seattle / Tacoma area. WINFIELDS TWISTED CUE CLUB.
See Winfields Twisted Cue Club lisitng in the Featured Billiard Establishments Directory (/mtree/sports/featured-pool-rooms-and-billiard-supplies/winfield%27s-twisted-cue-club/details.html).
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