IPT Viewers Choice Challenge Match

IPT Viewers Choice Challenge Match
Today, player voting entered into Phase III. This phase has reduced the size of the ballot to the top 50 players receiving votes for the April 29th IPT Ultimate 8-Ball Viewers Choice match. Basic Members can now have five votes per day. This phase will certainly make the race very interesting. You have until midnight (central) April 11th to vote. And remember, the live broadcast and player voting is absolutely free. Visit International Pool Tour today and vote.

Now that the player list has been narrowed to the top 50, and you have five votes per day, the race to win is truly up for grabs. The leaders so far have done well to get a large contingent of people to vote for them. Vilmos Foldes of Hungary has been the recipient of some nice exposure with a feature article about him and the voting process on a high-traffic Hungarian web site. Gerda Hofstatter has gone the viral route. She has called on her friends and family, mostly in Austria, to vote and to recruit their friends and family to do the same. That snowball effect has worked for Gerda so far. However, with five votes per day for Basic Members, their strategies are going to be put to the test because despite being in the lead, their competition is well within easy reach.
The IPT Ultimate 8-Ball undercard match between World Champion Oliver Ortmann and John Schmidt will take place during the April 29th live broadcast. Although being called the under-card match, the players are both world class athletes whose match-up is essentially another feature match! And remember, both feature matches in the live broadcast, and the player voting, are absolutely free. Fans can go to International Pool Tour and vote right now. Player biographies and statistics are available for those voters who are unsure of whom to vote for. Click Here (http://www.internationalpooltour.com/EventVoting/) to go directly to the voting page.


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