Fox Takes BCA Qualifier

Fox Takes BCA Qualifier

J. Pechauer NorthEast Women’s Tour / Sayreville, NJ
by InsidePOOL Staff
Ladies in the Northeast came from far and wide to compete at Prime Time Sports Bar and Billiard Café April 14-14. In the end, it was the two who traveled the farthest to play in the finals for one of the last BCA Vegas Qualifiers up for grabs—Dawn Fox from her new home in the South, and Meng Meng Zhou from Mainland China.

Zhou cruised through the field undefeated with wins over Kathy Friend, Buffy Jolie, and Naomi Fingerhut to match up against the two-tour Player of the Year, Morgan Steinman. Zhou dispatched Morgan to the left side of the chart with a 7-3 score.
Dawn Fox posted wins over Kiana Clark but was sent to the left side of the chart by Fingerhut. Fox then continued on her way with wins over Erica Testa, Palma Kogan, Pam Ogarek, Fingerhut, and Jolie to match up with Steinman. Fox left Steinman in third place with a 7-3 win to match up to Zhou in the finals.
In the modified race to 9, if Zhou reached 7 games first, the match would be over and Zhou would win. If Fox reached 7 games first, they would have to play out to 9. Fox built up an 8-4 lead over Zhou, but Zhou dug in to come back hill-hill. In the final rack Zhou made a ball but had to push out, and Fox answered back with a safe. Zhou ran out to the 4 but missed and left Fox a wide-open table to take the event and qualifier.
JPNEWT thanks Brian and Adam Seltzer of Prime Time Billiards for hosting this event and looks forward to returning in July for the NJ State Women’s 9-ball Championships. JPNEWT’s next event will be June 9-10 at Comet Billiards for a WPBA qualifying event.
1st Dawn Fox
2nd Meng Meng Zhou
3rd Morgan Steinman
4th Buffy Jolie
5th Naomi Fingerhut
Caroline Pao
7th Pam Ogarek
Melony Page


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