First Annual Missouri State ACS 8-Ball Team Championship

First Annual Missouri State ACS 8-Ball Team Championship

The First Annual Missouri State American Cue Sports 8-Ball Team Championship was held May 5-6, 2007, in Sedalia, MO. Hosted by Sharky’s Billiards, the double elimination, no handicap, race to thirteen, formatted tournament featured some amazing defensive play as well as one jump shot that all spectators wished they could see in replay.
Coming in first place were the Sharks, sponsored by Sharky’s Billiards and Modern Day Veterans, Chapter 402, of Sedalia, MO. The hometown team had battled to the hill in their first match of the tournament against third place finishers, the Oats Bus Gang of Bucklin, MO. Shooting in the last game of the first match in the tournament, it looked like the Oats Bus Gang was going to taste victory as the 8-ball grabbed a corner of the pocket and stayed on the table when Steve Allee made his shot for the win in the twenty-fifth game of the five-hour match. Jerry Barrows, Oats Bus Gang member, was left with a bank shot on his last ball before targeting the 8-ball.
Barrows missed the bank shot and gave Allee ball in hand on the 8-ball and the tightest, and longest, match of the tournament was history. The Sharks remained in the A bracket, while the Oats Bus Gang moved to the B bracket.
Team member Bob Correll, Captain of the second place finishers, the Scratchers also of Bucklin and sponsored by Lucky’s, had laughingly commented on Saturday, after being placed in the B bracket by the Sharks, “All we have to do tomorrow is beat the Oats Bus Gang and the team that just stomped us, twice, and we’ll finish first place.” Half of his comment was to come true. Sunday saw the Scratchers take second place, defeating the Oats Bus Gang 13 – 8.
Both the Sharks and the Scratchers were pumped going into the playoff for first place. The Scratchers were warmed up and ready and the Sharks were psyched and ready.
Not only were they playing for first place, they were playing for Sharky’s Billiards honor. The other two Sharky’s teams in the tournament had already been knocked out of the competition. That thirst for redemption was quenched with a resounding defeat of the Scratchers 13 – 4.
Everyone who watched the tournament over the two day event unanimously agreed that the award for the Most Spectacular Shot went to Jeff Paxton of the Sharks.
Paxton had to use the crutch for a long jump shot to make his last ball on the table and be able to target the 8-ball. He made the jump shot, capturing the win and the Most Spectacular Shot award in the process.
Finishing fourth were the Spring Timers of Bucklin sponsored by the Lighter Side. Fifth place went to the Bill Hillies and sixth place went to the Drifters of Sedalia. Both teams were sponsored by Sharky’s Billiards and Modern Day Veterans Chapter 402.


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