Filipinos Dominating World 10-Ball Championships Day 2
It’s elimination time and the field is narrowing down at the Predator World 10-Ball Championships as some players were sent home early in the morning. The event, hosted at Bankshots Billiards in Jacksonville, FL, is one where the women compete with the men in the same competition.
The ladies in the event such as Gerda Hofstatter, Anna Kostanian, Bo Ram Cha, Amalia Matas, and Kim Shaw were all eliminated early on Friday. Shaw was the only female able to draw a win with a great 10-8 victory over #12 Japan Hijikata. Juniors Landon Shuffett and John Morra were hanging tough with Shuffett’s 10-6 win over Spain’s Balesteros and Morra defeated Samuel Ferrell and James Roberts.
Japan’s Mizushita upsetted Russia’s Stalev and then wowed the crowd with a 10-9 stunner over Thorsten Hohmann (GER). Thomas Engert (GER) was hanging tough eliminating Richard Broumpton (ENG) and Hijikata (JPN) while Charlie Williams (USA) sent home Farah (Curacao) and Steve Lillis(USA).
On the winners side Dennis Orcollo (PHI) destroyed Darren Appleton (ENG) 10-4, Mike Davis (USA) identically demolished Sey (NET) 10-4, Niels Feijen controlled Tony Robles (USA) 10-6, and Lee Van Corteza (PHI) subdued Mexico’s Chavez 10-5. The only close call was Tony Crosby (USA) 10-9 over Mika Immonen (FIN).
Marquee Matches tomorrow with Raj Hundal (ENG) vs Lee Van Corteza (PHI), Tony Crosby (USA) vs Niels Feijen (NET), and Mike Davis (USA) vs Dennins Orcollo (PHI).