
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][tek_sectiontitle st_title=”Billiards POS Software – CuetPOS Changelog” st_title_tag=”” st_subtitle_decoration=”” st_title_size=”32px” st_separator_enable=”separator_on” st_separator_position=”below_title” st_separator_color=”#001fac” st_separator_style=”solid-line” st_separator_width=”sep-border-width-2″ st_text_align=”text-left” st_width=”st_fullwidth”][vc_empty_space][vc_custom_heading text=”Definitive Synergy regularly updates CuetPOS and these updates are free for our licensed users, forever. Most updates will occur Sunday through Thursday, and on very rare occasions, Friday and Saturday. Here, we have listed some of the changes added to CuetPOS, but not all. The list is accessible via the software.

This page is merely a sample of the various changes made to CuetPOS.

We recommend checking your version at least one time per week on your stations and server to ascertain if you have the latest version and if every computer is running the same version.

CuetPOS will perform a version check, and automatically give you the option to update your software should a new version be available, at the start up of CuetPOS. Updating your software is not required, but highly recommended.

To check your version, click on the login screen, then click the logo in the lower left hand portion of this screen. This will display the splash screen, which displays the version in the lower left hand portion of that screen.

This screen is also visible during the loading of CuetPOS Billiards POS software. If you are not prompted to download the newest version of the software, please contact technical support at 724-602-5223.” font_container=”tag:h6|font_size:16px|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_toggle title=”V – September 15, 2022″]

  • Optimized database
    • Speed improvement for even quicker responses.
  • Kiosk Terminal and Interface to enable on-floor customer ordering.
  • Layout enhancements
  • Product/button enhancements

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”V – April 19, 2021 – User Only Tab Viewing on Main Sales Screen”]

  • Tabs can now be visible and accessible by every user, or just the user logged in to the terminal. This feature allows full control over the tabs that appear on the Main Sales screen.
    • The feature is controlled at a station level, so different stations can can different viewing rights. The setting is controlled in the Managers Menu > Setups > Station > CuetPOS After Sale Behavior. If the setting is Main Sales, the Main Sales screen appears after a sale, and the user logged in will be able to view/control all tabs. If set to MainSalesLoginUseOnly, the Main Sales screen appears after the sale, but the user logged in will only be able to view tabs owned by their user. If set to ReadforNext, the sales buttons will appears after the sale and the user will be ready for the next sale rather than managing tabs.
  • To be clear, this feature only makes the tabs owned by the user logged in appear on the Main Sales screen in the visual mode. All tabs can be seen and accessed in the grid mode of the Main Sales screen. Tabs are also accessible via the table layout.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”V – April 9, 2021 – Wireless Light Controls Increased Functionality, Enhanced Card Swipe Entry and Approval Screens”]

  • Wireless light controls discovery registers IP addresses of switches, permits changing of networks to which the switches are networked.
  • Card Swipe login enhanced for easier login of employees.
  • Gift card ease of use enhancements for easier checkout using gift cards.
  • Approval screens for comps, voids, discounts positioning set to permit easier use.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”V – March 31, 2021 – Enhanced Membership Search, Custom Tax Names, Tax Exempt Checkout, Tip Suggestions on Both Receipts and Print Bill”]

  • Membership search enhanced to include onscreen keyboard, suggested filtering, and longer results.
  • Tax fields have the ability to have custom names, i.e. State, Local, etc… These are programmable in the General Setups.
  • Tax exempt settings are in the General Setups, with each tax having its own exempt status and preset value. For example, to exempt Tax 1 100%, Tax 2 50%, and Tax 3 65%, you enter 100,50,65 into the Sales Tax Concessions Field. To implement tax exempt checkout, the user clicks the tax field near the tab bar for each customer tab at checkout that they wish to apply the concession.
  • Member searching can be refined after doing a surname search. To do this, simply click the name field and the onscreen keyboard will pop up to give the user entry options.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”V – March 23, 2021 – Fixed Blocks/Preset Rental, Enhanced Date Pickers, Membership Reporting”]

  • Functionality added to included fixed blocks for rentals. Rental facilities may be set to rental via fixed blocks such as incremental preset time blocks. The blocks can activate and deactivate lights. Fixed blocks is especially useful when renting group parties. Blocks also come with a snooze feature that allows the players to extend their rental.
  • Membership reporting is located in the Manager’s Menu > Reports > Details area, towards the bottom. Membership is in bold, with the main report appearing after you click on the membership report. This report displays usage figures, balances, and spending over the date selected when running the report. The data appearing in the dates column is the data for the specified dates.
  • Date pickers have been increased in size as well as having a new look and new feature. Choosing the date (day, month, year) can be performed by choosing the plus and minus signs at the top of the picker.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”V – February 24, 2021 – Multistage modifiers”]

  • Functionality added to the forced and unforced modifiers. This allows businesses to program multiple sets of modifiers, both forced (where the number of choices is controlled) and unforced, so that more complex items can be supported on menus.  An example would be a meal deal when the user chooses a Hamburger Meal button, and then is required (forced) to choose the type of bun, then temperature of the burger, then the type of side(s), then the drink and then is allowed to choose as many add-on unforced modifiers as they wish, such as cheese, bacon, lettuce, onion, ketchup, pickle, etc…
  • As always, the modifiers can be add $0.00 or add a value to the selection. So items already programmed to charge, i.e. $1.00 extra for bacon while ketchup adds $0.00, would still charge accordingly.
  • Functionality includes setting the order other the forced modifiers sets appear in, and the order that the unforced modifiers appear at the end or in the “Finalize” stage. Users have options to cancel, start over, and declare when to add to cart. Custom messages may still be applied to the order.
  • Turning multistage modifiers can be enabled in the General Options section.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”V – February 15, 2021 – Various Quality of Life”]

  • One-Page Tipping – Employees can process tips from a single page.
  • Pool Rental Minimum Charge – Minimum charge amount added to the minimum minute ability.  Admin can choose which method to charge a minimum, by the minute or a set dollar amount.
  • Till Screen Buttons – Till screen buttons made larger and rearranged.
  • Payroll – Supports two-week increments.
  • Suggested Tipping – Added 3 separate percentages for tip line on bills and receipts, for both cash and credit, and card machine for on-screen checkout with tipping.
  • Tab Name Populate – Populate tab name with cardholder name during pre-auth, if not member in which case we use member name.
  • More control of “service fee” name/statement. Admin can customize the statement/name of the fee and it is placed in line with other fields like taxes, totals, etc…
  • Waiting list buttons can be pre-programmed with text messages.
  • Credit and cash value rounded or not rounded to the same value.
  • Clover devices – Support has been added to include the Clover Mini 2 and Clover Flex devices. The Mini 2 supports on-screen checkout with tipping and the Flex is a handheld device.
  • On-screen checkout – Includes pre-auth, signature capture and tip option that includes 3 separate programmable suggestions along with a custom value. Only for Bolt.
  • Clear outstanding card transactions – Clears off old transactions.
  • Tab Totals – Hides total due on tabs. This feature can be controlled via the general options.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”V – February 8, 2021 – League table functionality and report expansion”]

  • Fixed display of new item buttons to show them after being created.
  • Fixed adding of modifiers after creating the modifier from the products page.
  • Outstanding balance field is no longer editable. Users can edit cash and credit fields only for partial payments, with changes reflecting in the outstanding balance.
  • Changed variant items cart and receipt display to include a space before and after the (-) hyphen character.
  • Include the expansion/contraction functionality to have the (+) and (-) buttons in the admin reports. Each section has separate control of the state of being expanded or contracted.
  • Added back quotation mark functionality in modifier causing error message.
  • Fixed single user login problem with access to My Date, Reprint, Search, and Tipping.
  • League Tables – Tables can be designated as league tables from certain hours, but then automatically return to regular rental fees after the designated time.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”V – February 5, 2021 – Functionality to Sales and Summary Reports”]

  • Added functionality to sales summary reports.
  • Added functionality to sales reports.  Sales reports can be customized to sort by the most important factor.  Users chooses orders of the factors such as employee, category, products, total and price code.  The columns of the report grid and also be rearranged and expanded, using the drag feature, to the user’s choosing.  These settings can be saved as a layout and users may save multiple layouts of the reports.  Collapsed fields do not print.  Color can be removed from all reports, except for the sales summary report.  The sales summary report should print landscape by default, but users need to choose grayscale if they wish.
  • Some users experienced an issue saving modifiers, which has been fixed.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”V – January 27, 2021 – Pricing and Variant Buttons”]

  • Added 10 more special pricing zones (i.e. Happy Hour or member pricing), making 15 in total possible special pricing zones.  These zones can overlap, be nested, or run in conjunction with member specials.  The special prices are prioritized using the arrows on the special pricing page.  Special prices can be edited on the master pricing page, or in the specific item buttons on the button layout page.
  • Added variants to buttons.  Variants can be used to make different versions of the same product, but have them stem from the same button.  This is not to be confused with modifiers.  A typical variant would be a double shot, especially one that does not double in price, making tapping/clicking a single shot twice invalid.  Variants can be set up in the specific item buttons on the button page, can be linked to the same product as the master button of that item (a special product search, that uses entered text and pull downs, has been added to help find the product), and can be set to have special pricing for any or all of the 15 special pricing zones.
  • Users will be presented with a choice of the variants when the button is selected during normal use.  Once the user selects the specific variant, that item is added to the cart with the appropriate variant.  For instance, a Jack Daniels button might have a single, double and triple variant added.  When the user selects the Jack Daniels button, the three variants are offered as the choice to the user.  If the user selects double, the item will be added to the cart reading, Jack Daniels – Double.  The print order print out will reflect the same format.
  • Color coding added to the total on the button page, below the cart.  The items in the cart also follow the same color coding.
    • Green – Normal pricing applies
    • Yellow – Special pricing applies
    • Blue – Member Only pricing applies

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”V – January 19, 2021 – Customization and MyData Functionality”]

  • Added the custom buttons for voids, comps, discounts, and spills.  Discount buttons may be preprogrammed or left blank to allow the discount to be entered manually at the time of the discount.  The buttons can be edited/added by going to Manager menu > Setups > Specials, Pricing and Other Setups > Edit Choices tab.  From there, choose the appropriate type of action (spill reasons, comp reasons, void reasons, discount reasons) and edit/add the reasons.  The reasons have a % column on the right if they are capable of having a preset value.  If filled in, the value is set.  If the field is left blank, the user can choose the percentage of discount.
  • MyData functionality added to include the printout of open tabs.  The interface will also allow users to go directly to open tabs review page.
  • Wireless light controls added.  This system is controlled by the program and utilizes wireless and hot spot networks.  Modules will also handle dimming non-dimming LED light bulbs using steps.  For questions about the new wireless light controls, please contact technical support at 724-602-5223.
  • Print and export buttons added to Sales Summary reports.  Printout defaults to landscape printing.
