Category: Technology

  • Virtual gifts: Reality check or rip-off?

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  • Urination, bloody gore puts video games on list

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  • Champions Set to be Crowned Tomorrow in Willingen

    Champions Set to be Crowned Tomorrow in Willingen by Jerry Forsyth Only four young ladies and four young men remain in the running in the WPA World Junior Championships in Willengen, Germany. On Friday all but one male and one female will fall to the wayside and make way for…

  • Map shows top CO2 producers in the world

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  • Dinosaur sucked up food like a vacuum

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  • Report: Spying threatens U.S. technology

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  • Order pizza via txt msg

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  • PS3 sales up after price cut

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  • More protection sought for sea turtles

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  • Commentary: Why you should avoid the iPhone

    So, Apple’s much hyped iPhone is finally available in Europe. Well, in the UK and Germany at least. French readers will have to wait just a few more days until they can get their hands on one. (