BCAPL Announces New Rule Book
The BCA Pool League (BCAPL) today announced the creation of a new rule book designed exclusively for BCAPL play. Over one year in the making, The Official Rules of the BCA Pool League becomes effective October 1, 2007. At that time, BCAPL play will be governed by the BCAPL Official Rules.
According to Mark Griffin, The BCAPL believes the time is right for the introduction of its own set of rules. We feel our loyal and valued members deserve a single, easy to understand document covering all aspects of BCAPL play. Our new book will ensure consistent application of the rules regardless of whether you play in a local, state, regional or national event.
The driving force behind the project was the BCAPL’s observation that the recent development of billiards rules has not been very user-friendly to its players. Rule changes, wording changes, and vague statements were frequently confusing, incomplete, or contradictory. Rule interpretations by various governing bodies were not always made available in print. The upcoming BCAPL publication eliminates those problems by providing you with the most complete and carefully written set of rules the industry has ever seen.
As for the game we all love, don’t worry! We didn’t change the game – we just made it clearer to understand and easier for you to play. In fact, there are only a few changes to the games you’ve been playing for years.
Our mission has and always will be to serve our membership and give them the most enjoyable playing experience possible. This is just another step in that direction. Thank you all for your support.
The Official Rules of the BCA Pool League will be available on September 1, 2007.
Mark Griffin Bill Stock
CEO Rules Administrator
Director of Referees