BCA Welcomes New Staff Members
Broomfield, Colo. – November 2, 2007 – The Billiard Congress of America (BCA), continuing its commitment to more billiard industry promotion and an enhanced 2008 International Billiard Home Recreation Expo, is pleased to announce two new employees to the BCA team: Lauren Di Scipio, graphic designer; and Melissa Cowan, coordinator of trade services. Both Cowan and Di Scipio will be working out of the Broomfield, Colo., office.
Di Scipio has previously served as art director, photographer and production manager on several publications, as well as conducting freelance work on magazines logos, newsletters, digital videos, brochures, ads and other design-related projects. Di Scipio will be creating designs for BCA marketing and advertising initiatives and working on the soon-to-be-launched BCA consumer Web site, generationpool.com.
Cowan is a marketing and organizational professional with over 15 years of experience in commercial markets. She previously served as event manager and marketing coordinator for Google Inc., formerly @Last Software, Inc., as well as serving as an independent contractor for JD Events and the SATCON Expo in Fairfield, Conn. Cowan will work closely with William T Glasgow, Inc., developing and
managing programs and events for the BCA’s 2008 International Billiard Home Recreation Expo.
“We are extremely pleased about Lauren and Melissa joining the BCA team,” notes Rob Johnson, BCA chief executive officer. “I am confident in their level of experience and diverse backgrounds, and I know they will contribute exciting new ideas to help the BCA promote the industry, grow its membership base and enhance the annual Expo.”
About Billiard Congress of America
Founded in 1948, the Billiard Congress of America is a non-profit trade organization dedicated to growing a united, prosperous and highly regarded billiard industry through BCA leadership. The BCA seeks to enhance the success of its members and promote the game of billiards though educational, marketing and promotional efforts, annual industry trade shows, tournaments and other programs designed to encourage billiards as a lifestyle and make pool everybody’s game. For more
information, visit Bca-pool.com or call 866.852.0999.
Contact: Robin Dahlen
BCA Associate Managing Director, robin[at]bca-pool.com
bca-pool.com ● EnjoyPool.com ● bcaexpo.com