Author: Diana Lambert
Elk Grove Unified to open a virtual school
Kristin Allen, a junior at Valley High, studies Algebra II in a computer lab. This fall, the Elk Grove school district will have a virtual school up and running: Students will receive their online course work at home.This August a few hundred students in the Elk Grove Unified School District…
Educators look at using cell phones as teaching tools
Students in Joe Wood’s science class at Somerset Middle School in Modesto didn’t have to hide their cell phones in their backpacks. They used them to take quizzes, shoot photos for class projects and create podcasts. Wood has since been hired as an instructional technologist for the San Juan Unified…
Retirements create openings for career tech teachers
Mike Stone oversees Stephanie Shijo as she demonstrates a tree splitter that she and other students manufactured last month in a technology class at Franklin High. Stone, who retired last month after teaching summer school, started teaching auto mechanics 32 years ago.Mike Stone started teaching auto shop 32 years ago…