Appleton Aces Eurotour Italy Stop

Appleton Aces Eurotour Italy Stop

Eurotour Italy Open
by InsidePOOL Staff
Darren Appleton scored a huge win at the Eurotour Italy Open this past weekend, besting a field of 242 to take first place over Bruno Muratore. The Italy Open was hosted by the Holiday Inn Resort in Castel Volurno.
With over 30 countries represented at this event, it was anybody’s guess who would be the ultimate winner, but Appleton worked his way through the one-loss side, taking wins over fellow Brits Imran Majid in the quarterfinals and Mark Gray in the semifinals. Appleton’s opponent in the finals was Muratore, an Italian player who won the Malaga, Spain, Eurotour stop last year. But this wasn’t to be Muratore’s day, as Appleton played perfect pool to be able to win the match 9-2.


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