Pro Women to Participate in Predator World 10-Ball Championships
Six women will join the predominantly male 96 player invited field at the Predator World 10-Ball Championship May 23-27,2007 in Jacksonville, FL. Included in this female team are WPBA pros Gerda Hofstatter of Austria, Kim Shaw of England, and Anna Kostanian of New Mexico. Three junior talents will also join the Big Boys with Yu Ram Cha and Bo Ram Cha of Korea and Amalia Matas of Spain.
It is rare for women to be included in major men’s pro events and especially world title events and here’s what some of the ladies had to say of the opportunity.
I’ve been playing with Predator for many years now and I’m very happy to be invited by them to participate against the world’s best players. I know I can beat any of the men at any given time so I hope they’re ready! warned the soft spoken Austrain Gerda Hofstatter, currently ranked #9 on the Womens Pro Tour.
I am excited to be able to play in the men’s World Championship. It will be a great challenge and I will practice and try very hard. said 19 year old Yu Ram Cha of Korea, currently #1 Woman’s Player in Korea.
Events will start off at 7pm with a Challenge the Pro Night benefitting the Boys and Girls Club of Jacksonville, FL. Fans can come watch for free and play the pros for a donation to the charity.
For more info on event and tickets call Bankshot Billiards at 1-904.998.2100.