Bolyard Bowls Over Billiards Competition

Bolyard Bowls Over Billiards Competition

Blaze 9-Ball Tour / Mount Holly, NJ
by Jose Burgos
The Blaze 9-Ball Tour rolled into Empire Billiards in Mount Holly, NJ, September 15. A tough Northeastern field came out to play, with Loye Boyard taking top honors when all was said and done.
Chuck Pendrak led the top half of the bracket, with Bolyard meeting him in the hot seat match. The match went back and forth, but ultimately it was Bolyard who won, sending Pendrak to the one-loss side. Shaun “Get Some” Wilkie was waiting for Pendrak in the semifinals and took care of business to earn his right to play Bolyard. However, this match was over before it started, with Bolyard winning easily.

Open Results:

Loye Bolyard

Shaun Wilkie

Chuck Pendrak

Lou Guynee

Al Waldo

Paul Robinson


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