AZBilliards Launches Online Radio Show has launched RunOut Radio , an audio show hosted by AZBilliards founder Mike Howerton and billiard journalist and television commentator Jerry Forsyth. Five shows are posted currently on the site, (there is a link on the front page) in which Howerton and Forsyth interview Johnny Archer, Allison Fisher, Dragon Promotion’s Charlie Williams, Jim Wych, Jay Helfert, Raya Sports’ Yen Makabenta and Hall of Famer Ewa Laurance.
Says Howerton: Jerry and I have long talked of doing a weekly radio show where we can discuss the events of the current week in the tournament world and keep listeners in touch with the daily lives of their favorite players. Some technology has recently been improved to the point where this can be done fairly easily so we felt the time was right to launch the site. We also plan to launch an online television show this fall.
Adds Forsyth: The ability to talk to the movers and shakers directly on air and get them to share their concerns and hopes for the game is a lot of fun. Hearing a player talk about the issues of the day gives the fans a much broader insight into the personality of that player. Listening to their inflections and where they place emphasis allows you to hear what is important or trivial to them. It is a more accurate picture than we have got-ten in the past.
AZBilliards Launches Online Radio Show